12 must-have supplies to survive spring break

Tis the season for more than 1.5 million college students across the U.S. to migrate south for some unregulated fun in the sun.

That's right; it's spring break.

Parents around the country are cringing in fear of the combination of young adults, booze and beaches. Be sure to honor their advice by packing all those important and practical items like extra cash, a small first aid kit and copies of your passport.

But there are some things parents won't think to suggest that'll come in handy when you least expect it — trust us.

Check out our list below of must-have supplies in order to survive spring break.

Makeup wipes

You know there's going to be a night when dragging yourself to the bathroom to wash your face might as well be the same as crossing the Sahara Desert. Good thing you have a package of convenient face wipes right next to you. It doesn't get any easier than that. Read More...

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