PHP interview questions and answers for exprience

  1. What’s the difference between include and require?
    It’s how they handle failures. If the file is not found by require(), it will cause a fatal error and halt the execution of the script. If the file is not found by include(), a warning will be issued, but execution will continue.

  2. What is the difference between Session and Cookie?
    The main difference between sessions and cookies is that sessions are stored on the server, and cookies are stored on the user’s computers in the text file format. Cookies can not hold multiple variables,But Session can hold multiple variables.We can set expiry for a cookie,The session only remains active as long as the browser is open.Users do not have access to the data you stored in Session,Since it is stored in the server.Session is mainly used for login/logout purpose while cookies using for user activity tracking

  3. How to set cookies in PHP?
    Setcookie("sample", "ram", time()+3600);

  4. How to Retrieve a Cookie Value?
    eg : echo $_COOKIE["user"];

  5. How to create a session? How to set a value in session ? How to Remove data from a session?
    Create session : session_start();
    Set value into session : $_SESSION['USER_ID']=1;
    Remove data from a session : unset($_SESSION['USER_ID'];

  6. what types of loops exist in php?
    for,while,do while and foreach (NB: You should learn its usage)

  7. How to create a mysql connection?

  8. How to select a database?

  9. How to execute an sql query? How to fetch its result ?
    $my_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `u_id`='1'; ");
    $result = mysql_fetch_array($my_qry);
    echo $result['First_name'];

  10. Write a program using while loop
    $my_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `u_id`='1'; ");
    while($result = mysql_fetch_array($my_qry))
    echo $result['First_name'.]."<br/>";

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